Likewise Ministry is founded on the principle that Jesus was the ultimate disciple-maker, and that His strategy for building a multiplying ministry is one that can be learned, emulated, and implemented in everyday life.
God's people are hungry for training in the harvest fields. Likewise Ministry encourages and equips Christ followers to make disciples. We invite them to walk alongside Jesus, deep dive into His life, and then use His example as a blueprint to create a custom plan for ministry in their own personal context.
Disciple-making is not just for pastors or vocational ministers. We know that there are people in all walks of life who are eager to grow nearer to Jesus and be used to build a Kingdom of disciple-makers.

Coaching + mentoring
Through coaching and mentoring individuals and couples, we have seen a the start of a movement of multiplication.
To produce much fruit in ministry, there is benefit to having someone minister to you as well--someone from outside your own context who can help you stay focused on building the Kingdom by emulating Jesus and His model for making disciples who make disciples.
Likewise Coaching and Mentoring is a resource for those dedicated to making disciples the way Jesus did. Donnie and Anna Chase meet with groups and individuals regularly to study the life of Jesus and create a customized disciple-making plan for their family, neighborhood, workplace, or ministry. Since the launch of Likewise in January 2021, we have seen an overwhelming response from believers who are ready to take the next step towards disciple-making as a lifestyle. By placing the blueprint of Jesus' model over their own lives, we have watched them do likewise--in their homes, churches, families, neighborhoods, and beyond. The movement is multiplying and some of those who were being discipled in year one are now walking alongside someone else--learning the life of Christ and his model for ministry.